Schumacher CAT2000/EC tub chassis (Vintage)

The CATEC tub chassis is based around the vintage Schumacher CAT and CATEC models. It is moulded in approximately 2.4mm thick carbon plain weave with a gloss finish on the inside face and a textured finish on the outside/base. It is drilled as standard with no battery cutouts and the CATEC drillings but can be modified for standard CAT or even custom drilling. This is not a stock item and is manufactured on request, typical lead time being about two to three weeks from order to despatch.

CATEC tub outline diagram

CATEC tub chassis top view   CATEC tub chassis bottom face

Part No.


Material Type

Retail Price
in £ Sterling
for Carbon

CATEC TUB 01 Tub chassis B 100.00

If you wish to purchase parts then please contact us directly (we do mail order worldwide).